Sunday, September 28, 2008

Back home again

Rolled into home yesterday afternoon. I had a hard week for work but got to see some friends. Glad to be home but I had a good time.

Never saw Greg again for running. I took MARTA to Kyle's house Tuesday night. He introduced me to the Blue Frog. The train stopped running at about 1AM so I ended up staying the night. (I really was not is condition to ride the train home in a strange city.) Late night commitments to run the Peachtree 10k next year were made by all - well not really from June (Kyle's wife) but Kyle assured me that he would work on her).

June drove me back to the train station the next morning. We actually saw Greg running around in the traffic! Oh well - this just was not a good week for training. Good thing this is the off season.

Prior to driving home on Saturday I did get a short hilly run in with June. It was a steady pace but she really charges the hills. Short and sweet but a good work out to get the blood flowing before being cooped up in the car the rest of the day.

That's all have - lots of book work! Eagleman Sprint Tri in two weeks and Gulf Coast 1/2 mary in two months.

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