Friday, September 19, 2008

Trace running

Went for a 3.5 mile run on the trace yesterday at lunch. On the way back to the gym saw a guy with 2 of the Ecoeagle free-ride-on-campus bikes. These bikes were provided to the campus last week and all of them have been stolen.

Anyway, I approached this guy and told him that the bike could not leave campus. He argued with me for a new minutes and I finally just told him that I was taking the extra one back to campus. I could not get the one that he was on but getting one back will do.

Got a lift home with Jodie - she had to drive in. That means I had to run in this morning. Not as cool as it has been. But a nice run none the less.

We did our adventure run around campus today. Hit the ROTC play area and I was much stronger on the rope. Ran 100 yard intervals on the soccer field. A good solid 30 minutes of hard work. Hit the weights for another 20 minutes.

Ran into Chris and set up a hard ride / run (brick) in the morning. We will see how it goes. I'm trying to get a few good workouts in late this week since I will be out of town all of next week for work.

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