Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Where's my Girl Dog!

So I tried to get back in the groove after my week out of town. Not easy to do. Rode the bike in on Monday morning and just took it easy. Monday is usually not as hard due to the longer sessions over the weekend. With only Sunday being an exercise day an easy day was not necessary - but back to the routine.

Went for a campus run with Vic and Chad at lunch. Vic was running pretty strong and it was a fun pace. Chad, on the other hand, was limping along. Something with his quad. He probably should not be running at all. After the 30 minute run I hit the weight room. Just pull-ups, chin ups and abs. These are my favorite exercises. You get better by being stronger or lighter - a win-win. Saw Jim in the locker room. (He is also signed up the the Louisville Ironman.) He asked me if I wanted to run the stadium on Tuesday. I told him about the "Dot Race" and I think we may have another participate. As far as running: Jim = FAST. He will definitely start after me.

Sam called me on Monday night and told me about his Tuesday morning interval sessions. Sam is a triathlete extraordinaire. He just got back from the Age Group Nationals and he placed in the top 1/3 of his age group. That's really good - you have to have won or placed in the top 10% of your age group in prior races just to qualify - triathlons: Sam = FAST.

Morning sessions for Sam are early. He said that they meet at 5:30 AM at the trace trail head. That means I have to drive to work and leave the house at 5:15AM.

We are having a little get together on Tuesday - A beer tasting - at my house. I only bring this up because I purchased my mystery beer over the weekend. Well, I have to go back to the store - if you get my drift.

Anyway, I set the alarm on my watch for 5:00AM. The alarm woke me up. All I could think was 'Where's my girl dog!' This an old saying for when you are startled out of bed and a little confused.

I got to the trace at 5:35AM and did not see Sam and crew. Went for a 1 mile jog looking around - no one in site. Ran back to the truck to grab head phones and just go for a run. Got about 1/2 mile out and saw Sam and Steve. Ran back to the truck and dropped off the head phones and got ready for the intervals (12 x 1/4 mile @ 1:21 pace with 1:30 rest interval). This was going to be tough. I ran the first 4 intervals with Sam and Steve. It was taxing to saw the least. After the forth I had to take a break, not because of spirit, I had to literally run to the restroom. I hate pooing on the trace! I missed 2 intervals (about 4 1/2 minutes -if your keeping track) and joined them for 6 - 12. They were able to keep the pace. I slowly started to fall behind, progressively worse, as the intervals continued.

Finished strong but tired. The "Dot Race" will suffer today!

FYI - With my audience increasing (something like 4) please feel feel to leave comments!

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