Thursday, October 9, 2008

Hard days night

So we were working like dogs last night. Got home at 5AM and here it is 7:45AM and back at work. Jodie had to do some of her bird stuff (check their hormone levels by extracting blood) early this morning and then we are hitting the road for a nine plus hour drive to attend a wedding.

I'm up for anything but I am feeling it this morning. Everything except the dehydration if you know what I mean. I should be able to catch some zzz's in the car but as you know that is never valuable sleep. It is just get-by sleep.

No exercise on the docket today! Have to 'get into the grind' and 'work the plan' starting Sunday.

As a side note this will the the 4th weekend in a row that I have been in Atlanta (this time just driving through).

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