Saturday, February 28, 2009

New 5k PB

Just got back from the first 5k of the year. It rained really hard all night and most of the morning but it let up about an hour before the race. I did this race last year with a 20:31 (11th overall). I have not been working much on speed this year but everything is coming along. I got 8th overall (about 1:20 behind the fast group that pulled away) and finished with a 19:19 (not offical - it was between 19:15 - 19:19 so I am rounding up right now). My previous best was 19:56 set in August (2008). I felt really good in this race. I paced it well with the first mile at 6:21. I usually go out much to fast and just try to hang on. I feel that I have a little more speed in my legs and want to see 18:5X this year.


  1. Hells YES! Way to go, nice work. AND you don't need to worry a ton about that short distance, explosive speed right now anyway. It's the LONG haul you need to keep your eye on.


  2. WOW! That's a great time! And the same can be said about the photo! I'm yet to get a normal race photo taken of me.


  3. awesome job and congrats on the new PR!!!!
