Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valintine's Day - For real this time

Valentine's for me this year = 2 hour training run. It was raining most of the morning and I was not looking forward to having to go to the gym to get two hours on the treadmill. Fortunately the weather that looked like it was going to slam us did not and I hit the trace. I was running by heart rate zone 1 / 2 which is about an 8 minute / mile pace. The first 90 minutes kind of flew by then I started to notice the fatigue. I always say this after longish runs - I need to start taking something to eat with me. I start getting tired and fatigued and then loopy. My math skills stop working and I can (not too bad) get a little confused. Like today, I run an out and back course and at one of my landmarks (a station on the long leaf trace) I noticed that I only had 18 minute to complete the last 4 miles. I could not figure out how my pace had slowed that much. I was a little demoralized and frustrated. It took me a few minutes to realize that I only had 2 miles to go (I calculated the out and back distance). I do this all the time. I finished the 15 mile run in 2:04.xx with 3 stops for water and a quick chat with Audrey from the pinebeltpacers.

I have a whole case of GU just for training but I have not been taking them on the runs. Starting tomorrow, anything longer than 90 minutes and I will take nutrition!

1 comment:

  1. Hells yes you better take nutrition...can't be running the tank on E all the time. Even if you get through that workout, don't want the next to be a disaster because you're playing calorie catch up! Happy VDay!
