Monday, April 13, 2009

Looking for a plan

Without a training plan I always tend to wing it - and wing it with MORE. Yesterday I was going to go for a short run - it turned into 12 miles. I still wanted to go on the Sunday group ride to swap race stories - I did that, but, only for 30 miles and none of my race buddies showed up.

My body feels pretty good. My cardio system is in check. Nothing hurts. I'm just a little tired - hard to get out of bed. My top speed is not where it used to be.

Anyway, back to the run - everything felt pretty good. I hit the trace with just head phones on - no watch, no heart rate monitor, no GPS. I did not even look at the clock when I left the4 house. That is hard for me. The run felt good - I was not pushing the pace and just running next to the trace in the pine straw. It was not fast (faster than that 1/2 ironman run - but not fast).

After about 10 miles I queued up some C & C music factory - yeah, old school dance music. I only have two songs but they are remixes and worth about 2 hours of music. So 'I've got the power' filled my ears and I just took off. I took off fast - too fast - I don't know how fast but my lungs were starting to fill it for the first time in what seems like forever. It felt great. I ran about half a mile at this pace and then just did striders and farklets all the way home. The run finished on a high.

I set the VCR to tape the 70.3 Ironman Championships on TV and met up with the group ride. I was hoping to swap some race stories but none of the New Orleans racers made it to the ride. There was a storm brewing and we only got 30 miles in - it felt like we were racing the rain. I made it home with time to spare - the thunderstorms did not hit until much later.

The second Sunday of the Month is the Beer Club. At Jodie's suggestion we had a mystery beer competition. The beers were concealed and you got points for guessing the type (ale, lager), style (pilsner, IPA, wheat, barley wine, etc) and brewery. I came in 5th place! It was a good time.

A non-traditional Easter but I'll take it.


  1. Sometimes less is MORE and rest is BEST! Enjoy the nongadget, nongear type runs and rides. It's why we started it all to begin with - it's fun!

  2. I watched the championships too, but I was on the couch, with my feet up! I find it real hard to leave without my Garmin, kudos for you for doing it!

  3. Having a solid plan really helps. I had a habit of overdoing it as well and hurting myself. I'm still a little sleepy too. It's strange because I feel otherwise totally recovered, but I can't shake the tiredness.
