Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Another off day - this time scheduled.

There was a lot more rain for the weekend. Sunday, the plan called for a 3 hour ride – I decided to split this ride up between trainer and the road. I waited until the start of the Giro before mounting the race bike. I started off with a 12 mile trainer ride with a significant hill right in the middle. This was a good warm up. Next I loaded a flat profile and decided to do a few intervals. I would try to maintain a very hard effort for 3 minutes followed by 2 minutes recovery. Repeat five times and I was spent. I would just cruise along in heart rate zone 2 to finish out the rest of the trainer ride.

I hit the road next and was just going to get 20 miles. On the way back I crossed paths with Steve and we chewed the fat for a few miles. He is building for Ironman AZ. We will be doing several of the same local races this year and he also mentioned a September century ride along the Natchez Trace. This would be a fun (read – FAST) ride.

As you know, I have not been sticking to the plan as well as I should have. I spent some time this weekend to reschedule some of my work outs for different days – example, I will probably swim on Wednesday’s after work (if the weather permits) so I need to schedule these swim works – not just add them.

With following the plan, Monday was an off day. This would have normally bothered me by having an off day on a non-work day. I feel like I am wasting premium hours. It didn’t bother me much this time. My primary goal, as it should have been for months, is to just complete the prescribed workouts – nothing more – nothing less.


  1. Happy to see your training and off days are going well.

  2. I'm loving my rest days now! Stick to it and it will pay out in the end.
