Thursday, June 11, 2009

Double the swim

I missed my swim on Tuesday due to a luncheon at work and I would not be able to swim after work. Right now, there are no lap swim evening hours on Tuesdays and Thursdays. So I hit the pool early on Wednesday – this would be as long as my longest pool workout ever – 4000 yards. That might not be a big deal to some of you fish out there but that is a lot of laps to me. The workout called for a reverse ladder with increasing intensities. I really do not have very many speeds. Fast or drowning used to be the only ones – I have added an additional speed to the lineup - slow. I found that the only real way to alter my speed by sets was to pick up the pace with about 4 or 5 laps to go – this would maybe allow my times to fall as the distances decreased – probably not the best way but the steady even speeds are elusive to me right now.

1x each with 1 minute RI
1000 - 16:03 (1:36/100)
0800 - 12:46 (1:35/100)
0600 - 09:39 (1:36/100)
0400 - 06:18 (1:34/100)
0200 - 03:04 (1:32/100)
0100 - 01:27 (1:27/100)

So, with the exception of the 800 and 600 yard sets being flipped the times did get faster.

During lunch I did not have anything on the plan (well – 15 minute run) – I could have always swum again but 3 in one day is too much for me – just too much time in the water. I did an easy jog out to the stadium with Vic, Chad and Adam. I was not going to be EPIC today – not even try – but I did do 4 or 5 sets of the stadium stairs and then some pretty easy 100 yard dashes on the field. It was hot and I was feeling it. I called it a day at about 20 minutes and Adam and I headed back to the gym. I have not been doing much strength training lately so I thought I would hit all of the compound movements – with the exception of the legs – I did multiple easy sets of chest, back, abs and some calf raises. Nothing major.

I headed to the lake after work. There was some confusion between the security guard and the swimmers – it all got worked out but it was touch and go for a few minutes. The disagreement took about 20 – 30 minutes so we all ended up cutting this swim session a little short. I still had a good swim and on the last sprint I was trying to practice catching someone’s feet and letting them carry me in – well – Ben is just a little bit faster than me. I really tried to grab a hold of him but I just could not – every time I looked up we were not lined up. I am not sure if I was tacking off line or if Ben was (I’m sure that it was both). Anyway, this got me tired in the swim and I had to settle down a little and find my own groove. This was better race practice than if I had actually managed to grab his feet and draft in. I’m not there yet – but I’m working on it.

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