Monday, May 3, 2010

Crawfishman - Race report in picutres

This weekend I did something that I have never done before – I went to a triathlon that I did not compete in! It was an experience. I tried to register for the Crawfishman last week but the race was full. Since this little race is so big around here I grabbed a ride with my friends and became the official race photographer.

With the inclement weather, the race was called; I ended up looking like a genius.

It was raining from the start of the race and I had a trash bag poncho and a golf umbrella (thanks JD!). This was the first time that I have been at a triathlon that I have not thought that the swim was long –I guess the perspective is different when you are not participating!

Here is the race in pictures:

Race Finish

Rack number 1 (Sam - he won the race last year)

Swim start

Leaders of the swim

Sam exiting T1 in third

Raland after a good swim (checking his watch)

Dan - right behind Raland

Lance (no shirt), Greg to his left, and Chris (who started in a later wave) on the far left.

First female - notice both feet off the ground!

Margarita tent!

First bikers arriving to a called race.

Lance showing off his swag.

When the storm hit they pulled the few remaining swimmers from the lake and stopped any more bikes from heading out.  I have never been to a race that was called - and they should have called this race.  If I am not going to participate then this was the race to sit out.

It was nice to see the front runners all shake each others hands when they dismounted.  They congratulated each other on a tough bike.  I am sure the racers were disappointed that the race did not have a finish but I did not hear anyone complaining. 

I think everyone still had a great time!


  1. Nice pictures! Too bad the race was called though. I'm a firm believer is safety first as disappointing as it can be to not finish a race due to no fault of your own. Even though I don't drink, the Margarita tent sounds fabulous, especially after such a scorching weekend.

  2. At least everybody was a good sport about it. I think the margarita tent helped everyone forget ;)

  3. dude - margarita tent looked awesome. That is why no one cared that the race got called (-:

  4. Disappointing, but probably safest! Great pictures!
