Friday, July 23, 2010

H.A.M.R - Hattiesburg Multisport - First Meeting - WOW!!!

Don’t forget to enter for your chance to win a Road ID bracelet - click HERE !
Triathlon Club – follow us on Twitter - Click Here
The first ever H.A.M.R. Hattiesburg Multisport meeting was a huge success. We had over 40 people attend the meeting at the Keg & Barrel! I knew most of the people in attendance but I also met a lot of new people! I know that the people at this first meeting merely represent the core of the community. There are a lot of people that wanted to be at this meeting but were out of town or had other commitments. In addition, I believe that most of us represent more than just ourselves. We can make this club great!

I presided over the event and spoke about what I wanted from a club and then we opened the meeting to discussions. Wow, there are a lot of great ideas and, even more important, passionate people behind these ideas!

Also, a lot of people said that they do not know what to do but that they were willing to help! That is exactly what a club needs. Looking around the room it was obvious that we have a huge pool of talent and skills from which to draw. I am sure that we will be able to bring many of our goals to fruition. This club is going to happen and it is going to be great. Here are some of the amenities that we would like the club to offer:

  1. Website and members forum
  2. Official club events with published results
  3. Team gear – cycling jerseys / tri kits
  4. Organized swim / bike / run events
  5. Club library – books
  6. Club library – multimedia
  7. Group bike box rental
  8. Access to coaching / training plans
  9. Group gear swap meets / pay it forward meet ups
  10. Club clinics – training / theory / mechanical
  11. Prize purse / sponsored athletes
  12. Local race representation – provide a meeting place at events
  13. Camaraderie – club organized social events – annual banquet
I will elaborate ion each of these initiatives in the coming weeks.

In the coming weeks we will vote on our priorities and delegate the initiatives to individual committees. These committees, consisting of two or three members, will be the owner of their tasks. Whether the initiatives happen will rest entirely on their shoulders.

We have the passion, we have the numbers – now is the time to put these attributes together and make a great multisport club!

I would really appreciate it if you would leave a commit on what your tri club offers or what you wish your tri club offered. I think we have a great group of athletes and they will make this club first class.

We have only taken the very first step but the club will be up and running in no time!


Jessi and Jen
What a great group of atheletes!
Dan demonstrating something PT
The Keg & Barrel also holds the Beer Club.  Great food also!
Me - in between local legends John and Butch.  If I keep training
with these guys maybe I will be a legend in a few years!


  1. It was a great event James! Thanks so much for organizing it and taking the time to support your community. I can't wait to see where it leads us too. Cheers!

  2. Great job!!! That is an awesome turn out and with you behind the wheel I know it will be structured right and organized!

    If you want any tid bits go to the Cleveland Triathlon Club website, they have pretty much exactly what you described! Their forum area is where we get the most information on local meetups and what not.

    Great job James! To be honest, the newbies gain the most from these clubs!!!

  3. Congrats on such a great turnout James! I know for my club, communicating trainings was difficult so instead of a members forum they ended up just creating a Facebook page. It has worked pretty well. People will post up where and when they are doing a s/b/r workout and then others jump on board. It also allows for direct messages to members and a place to post club pics and videos.

    Wish you guys the best of luck with the new club!

  4. Thanks guys. I agree Jeff. There is a facebook fan page in the works.

  5. Sounds like you guys are well on your way. Enjoy the journey.

  6. First of all, this club is a great idea. When we moved to Hattiesburg over 10 years ago, there was no running club. At the first meeting of the Pine Belt Pacers, we had 12 people and we now have 300. Your club will have the same growth.Something that your group might want to participate in: Saturday, September 4, there will be a celebration of the 10th year since the opening of the Longleaf Trace. It will be held at the USM Gateway and there will be a bike ride, a roll and stroll (for runners, walker, roller bladers,etc) as well as other activities. The event will be free and participants will get a t-shirt and a free meal. Details to follow...

  7. Thanks Becky! - That is a great idea. We have just started the ball rolling. You and the pacers have really paved the way!
