Monday, July 26, 2010

Road ID Contest 01 - We have a winner.

First I would like to think everyone who entered the contest. I have enjoyed reading the blogs of all of the new followers! Good stuff. 

Regarding the selection process - I did the excel copy / paste thing and printed out all of the entries. I then cut them out and put them in a container. The winner of the Road ID gift card is:

The names all printed out.

Closest container I could find.

Well, I had a "double blind" picture (I know what a real double blind method is - I live with a scientist) - but the original picture had me looking at the camera so that I could show that I was unbiased - but during the editing process I 'saved' over the picture - oops.
And the winner of the Road ID gift certificate is "mommaof3ontherun"!  Check out her blog and follow her weightloss and running journey - click here.  From her profile:

I am a busy wife and mom of 3. I work full time in the school system as a school psychologist. I woke up in April 2009 and realized I was out of shape and unhealthy. As a mom, I found that I put everyone else's needs in front of my own. I decided to do something about it. I saw someone's reference to the couch to 5K program and started. Official start day was 5/7/2009. I've since "graduated" from c25k. I'm working on increasing my mileage, fitness level, and continuing to lose the weight. I'm always on the run either with the family or in my running shoes. Follow me on my journey to taking control.
Well - I am tired.  I have been out of town all weekend.  I'lll tell you where I have been tomorrow. 

Thank you all for participating in the Road ID giveaway.  Even if you did not win I believe that the Road ID is very valuable.  I was running out of town this weekend and it gave me peace of mind.

I will be having another contest in the coming weeks!


  1. give away...

  2. Thanks so much! I am so excite! I rarely win anything, so this is so exciting!
