Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Touch down in Sydney.

Well, I made it to Australia. However, my checked baggage did not land with me. After spending almost 26 hours in airports or airplanes I met my brother-in-law Joe at the train station. My checked baggage would arrive on a later flight and be taken to my sister’s house.
After Joe got me pointed in the right direction I rode the train to the Chatswood exit near my sister’s house. She was waiting for me. We walked the 20 minutes or so to her house. It was now 9 or 10 o’clock in the morning but it felt like a million o’clock to me. I had slept some of the flight but it was not productive sleep. Joe had ordered my sister to not let me go to sleep. It was like a nightmare on Elm street movie. Joe did not want me to sleep because we were headed back to the airport the next day at 5AM. Dang.

Anyway, I finally got my checked baggage so I was able to take a nice hot shower and actually have some clean clothes to change into. I probably won’t have my computer with me for the next 5 days while at the Great Barrier Reef but I will take lots of pictures!


  1. Have a great time! Can't wait to see pictures.

  2. Have fun. The longest day in my life was the Sydney-LA-Houston-NOLA flight followed by a drive back to Hattiesburg. It was something like 40 hours in a terminal, plane or car. A shower never felt better.

  3. Well at least it was only about a day without your luggage instead of the whole month! Your sister might have kicked you to the curb if her food goodies got lost ;)

    Glad you made it safely!

  4. Can't wait to see the Great Barrier Reef through your eyes/pics.

    Glad to hear that you landed on solid ground safely. Enjoy the trip.

  5. pictures please :-) Have some fun too....

  6. Welcome aboard. So glad you arrived safely albeit extremely tired. Enjoy the Great Barrier Reef. Lots n lots of photos.
