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Monday, August 22, 2011

Exercise has saved my life, twice.

If you remember, last year I was still very guarded about my past. Only handful of people y knew anything about my past. I kept it to myself. I was not ready to put myself out in the public eye.  After much soul searching I posted about it (5 years …).  Your compassion, empathy and kindness were overwhelming.  Thank you so much.

Today, it has been six years since I lost my wife and daughter. They will always be a part of me. I think of them both daily. Since that series of posts last year, I have grown. I have allowed myself to talk about my experiences and I have gained new perspectives.

In fact, just this past weekend I gave a presentation to the group fitness instructors and the personal trainers at the Payne Center. I talked about my experiences. I talked about how exercise has helped me conquer challenges. I talked about how exercise has made me a better person. I talked about how exercise helped saved me.

Keep in mind that this was a presentation – there might be some typos, etc.  And it is a rather long post.  I had considered breaking it up but decided to just post it in it’s entirety.




My daughter and I at Indiana Dunes State Park

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